Jo Confino is an executive coach, facilitator, journalist, sustainability expert and Zen mindfulness practitioner.
Until recently, he was executive editor, Impact & Innovation and Editorial Director of What’s Working at the HuffPost in New York. During his five years there, he developed long-term editorial projects based on social, environmental and economic justice and was a member of the senior leadership team.
He is currently working with Leaders Quest, which helps leaders and companies align profit with purpose as well as Future Stewards, a coalition of partners working together to build a regenerative future.
Jo has chaired and facilitated events and conferences all over the world for the past 20 years. He also runs workshops and roundtables for attendees including CEOs, prime ministers and NGO heads.
Before joining HuffPost, he was an executive editor of the Guardian and chairman and editorial director of the Guardian Sustainable Business website. During his 23 years at the Guardian, he set up and managed a unique multi-stakeholder development project in the Ugandan village of Katine, and helped create the Guardian’s environment and global development websites.
Jo also created and managed the sustainability vision and strategy for the Guardian and its parent company Guardian Media Group.
As a journalist for the past 40 years, he has worked on regional and national newspapers and websites, with an emphasis on business and finance, including three years as Wall Street correspondent for the Daily Telegraph.
Jo has worked closely for the past 14 years with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and his monastic community in Plum Village, France and is an advisory board member of Parallax Press, which publishes books on mindfulness in daily life.
He is a fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce and is also a trustee of Theatre for a Change, whose purpose is the empowerment of women and girls, particularly in their sexual and reproductive health.
Jo completed an MSc in Responsibility and Business Practice at the University of Bath.
Sample Topics
Exponential Thinking
Impact & Innovation
Mindfulness in Daily Life
Responsibility and Business Practice