Virtual conversation – Divya and David


Life, the universe and everything. Both raconteurs, Divya and David cover a wide range of topics that coalesce around the concept that one is not well unless the world is well.

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Life, the universe and everything

We are happy to present the second installment of our Virtual Conversation Series, this time related to immunity, both individually and systemically.
Both raconteurs, Divya and David cover a wide range of topics that coalesce around the concept that one is not well unless the world is well.

More Inspiration:

Rogue Waves, And How They Drive Both Peril And Profit

On the high seas, 64% of ship sinkings are due to a single phenomenon. They’re not caused by mechanical defects, nor crew error, but by “rogue waves.” These monsters, which can tower over 100 feet tall, form under certain nautical conditions and when large waves combine to magnify their strength. They can swamp even large container vessels, although prepared captains know when the seas are ripe for the danger.


Get Past Global Warming: The Future Needs Global Cooling

25,000 people from 197 countries attended the just-concluded UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow. Heads of state, Nobel laureates, and celebrities made solemn pronouncements. Corporate leaders touted green commitments. All urged the world to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.


Virtual conversation – Tiffany and Shahreen

How businesses & leaders are reaching for the stars.

As commercial space exploration grabs headlines, many of us are left wondering why space exploration matters. Shouldn’t we worry about saving earth from the ravages of climate change before we inhabit another planet?

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