Why David and Goliath are the Same!


More Inspiration:

NFTs’ Impact Can Reach Far Beyond Pricey Digital Art

Star Trek legend and blockchain advocate, William Shatner, made and sold a non-fungible token (NFT) of an X-Ray of his teeth. The entrepreneur known as MetaKovan paid $69.3million to the digital artist known as Beeple for an NFT of “Everydays The First 5000 Days.” The price confounded many because anyone can view and copy it for free.


Book Release: Rogue Waves

Rogue waves – radical systemic changes – are hitting business harder, faster and more often. Their violent impact has changed how companies win at strategy. Everyone gets hit by them, but some companies ‘flip their kayaks faster’ and take share while their competition simply try to tread water.


AlphaFold: Deep Learning Marked 2020 With A Life-Impacting Breakthrough

A breakthrough stunned world-leading scientists at the close of 2020.

“This will change medicine. It will change research. It will change bioengineering. It will change everything.”

“But when I first saw these results, I nearly fell off my chair.”

“…a once in a generation advance.”

“I was beginning to think it would not get solved in my lifetime.”

“It has occurred decades before many people in the field would have predicted.”

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