Marc Goodman

Marc Goodman is one of the world’s leading authorities on global security and author of Future Crimes: Inside the Digital Underground and the Battle for Our Connected World —selected by the Washington Post as one of the 10 Best Books of 2015 and by as the best book of 2015 in Business & Investing. He has addressed audiences around the world, including: TED Global, The Economist’s Ideas Forum, Google Zeitgeist, Wired Magazine’s Forum, and the INTERPOL General Assembly. He frequently advises industry leaders, security executives and global policy makers on the risks and opportunities of emerging technologies and has operated in more than 70 countries around the world.

In his talks, Marc Goodman answers key questions for business, government, healthcare organizations, financial institutions, NGOs, and individuals concerned about digital security. An engaging and entertaining speaker, Goodman provides a call to action for better security measures worldwide and empowers audiences with the education and tools to protect against these technological risks at both the corporate and personal level. Goodman’s TED talk on “A Vision of Crimes in the Future,” has been viewed nearly 1 million times and was selected by TED as one of the top two talks of 2012 to “freak-out” the TED community.

Goodman founded the Future Crimes Institute to inspire and educate others on the security and risk implications of newly emerging technologies. He also serves as the Global Security Advisor and Chair for Policy and Law at Silicon Valley’s Singularity University, a NASA and Google sponsored educational venture dedicated to using advanced science and technology to address humanity’s biggest challenges. Goodman’s current areas of research include the security implications of exponential technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, big data, synthetic biology, virtual worlds, genetics, the Internet of Things, and location-based services. He also offers a popular e-course on digital privacy through Creative Live.

Over the past twenty years Marc Goodman has built his expertise in next generation security threats such as cyber crime, cyber terrorism and information warfare through work with INTERPOL, the United Nations, NATO, the Los Angeles Police Department and the U.S. Government. For over a decade, Goodman trained numerous expert working groups on technological security threats while serving as a Senior Advisor to INTERPOL’s Steering Committee on Information Technology Crime. He has worked with various UN entities and was asked by the Secretary General of the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to join his High Level Experts Group on Global Cybersecurity.

Marc Goodman’s articles have been published by the Harvard Business Review, The Atlantic, Forbes, The Economist, Wired, Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, Jane’s Intelligence Review, and the American Bar Association, among many others. He holds a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University and a Master of Science in the Management of Information Systems from the London School of Economics.

Sample Topics

The Future of Financial Crime: AI, Deep Fakes and CrimeGPT

Financial fraud is on the rise and transnational criminal networks are innovating more quickly than business and government can keep up. The result: fraud on a mass scale across all sectors. In this lecture, Marc Goodman will explain how technologies are being leveraged to create vast networks of fraudulent identities and shell accounts. He will share the latest intelligence on criminal tradecraft in the world of financial crime, including a thought-provoking analysis of what industry must do to prevent mass damage to their business moving forward.

Securing Your Business in the Post-COVID World: Responding to Mounting Cyber Threats and Protecting Your Employees in the Age of Telecommuting

As challenging as the world of cybersecurity was before the COVID-19 outbreak, the global pandemic has led to a drastic increase in cyber-attacks against companies and their employees. One respected cybersecurity firm has recorded a 30,000% increase in phishing, malicious websites, and malware targeting remote users related to the COVID-19 virus. International organized criminals have wasted no time in taking advantage of unprecedented changes in the corporate workplace. Their goal: to steal your money, your company’s secrets, and your intellectual property. Unfortunately, almost all prior corporate cybersecurity efforts have focused on protecting a company’s technological infrastructure—not employees’ personal computers and networks. Unsuspecting employees and their insecure home Wi-Fi routers may now be the weakest link in protecting your company from cyber attackers. The only solution is to teach workers how to protect themselves as a key line of defense. Working from home may be the new normal—let’s do it safely and securely. In this highly engaging and humorous presentation, Marc Goodman explains how to take your weakest link and turn it into your greatest strength. Goodman will teach your employees to protect themselves so that they can protect you. Creating a culture of cybersecurity may be the single most important step you can take to protect yourself and your company from the drastic increase in global cyber-attacks. After all, cybersecurity is not a department, it’s an attitude. Marc Goodman will show you how to get there.

Security in a Connected World

A huge proponent of technology, Marc Goodman knows that the positive aspects of the Internet are manifest. But as one of the world’s leading authorities on global security, he also recognizes that when it comes to technology, the increased scale of influence can be used both for good and for ill. In a global society run by computers, whoever controls the computer code can control the world. Every day we connect more and more devices to the Internet, ranging from laptops and mobile phones, to critical infrastructures including financial systems and electrical grids. We trust what our screens tell us, but all technologies can be hacked to provide a stealth window direct into an unsuspecting user’s home, office, family, or social life. In this eye-opening talk, Goodman provides access to his deep insights about the future of technology and where the next threats will come from, along with the preventative measures we need to take before it’s too late.

Building an Organizational Culture of Cybersecurity

Every day in the news there is story after story a major cyberattack. According to Juniper Research, businesses around the world will lose nearly $2 trillion dollars to data breaches by the year 2019. Most companies respond to these rapidly emerging threats by spending increasing sums on technology—firewalls, intrusion detection systems and the like—but technology alone will never eliminate cyber security risk without considering human factors. According to IBM Security, 95% of security incidents involve human error and employees may unwittingly be putting their organization at increased cyber risk. In this highly engaging and humorous presentation, Marc Goodman explains how to take your weakest link and turn it into your greatest strength. A vigilant and informed workforce can vastly improve your company’s cybersecurity and a human firewall must be a top priority. Goodman will teach your employees to protect themselves, so that they can protect you. Creating a culture of cybersecurity may be the single most important step you can take to protect yourself and your company from the drastic increase in global cyber attacks. After all, cybersecurity not a department, it’s an attitude. In this talk Marc Goodman will show you how to get there.

The Future of Financial Crime

Financial fraud is on the rise and transnational criminal networks are innovating more quickly than business and government can keep up. The result: fraud on a mass scale across all sectors. In this lecture, Marc Goodman will explain how technologies are being leveraged to create vast networks of fraudulent identities and shell accounts. He will share the latest intelligence on criminal tradecraft in the world of financial crime, including a thought-provoking analysis of what industry must do to prevent mass damage to their business moving forward.

Lessons in Innovation from the Criminal Underground

This presentation draws surprising conclusions about what legitimate businesses can learn from international organized crime–a two trillion dollar a year industry. Global criminals have become sophisticated managers of technology and talent. While businesses around the world are struggling to keep up in the era of big data, international organized crime is masterfully exploiting these opportunities. This lecture takes a look at the lessons to be learned from the “early adopters” in the criminal underground.

Security & Privacy in Medicine and Healthcare

Increasingly technology is being integrated into every aspect of medicine and healthcare. These fast-paced advances in science hold phenomenal opportunities to cure disease and diminish human suffering. But what happens when medical devices, medical records, and even the human body itself is hacked by a vibrant network of organized criminals? In this lecture, Marc Goodman presents a compelling overview of the latest criminal tradecraft affecting the healthcare industry and looks at how practitioners and patients can ensure technology continues to heal rather than harm.

Building a Culture of Cybersecurity

Every day in the news there is story after story a major cyberattack. According to Juniper Research, businesses around the world will lose nearly $2 trillion dollars to data breaches by the year 2019. Most companies respond to these rapidly emerging threats by spending increasing sums on technology—firewalls, intrusion detection systems and the like—but technology alone will never eliminate cyber security risk without considering human factors. According to IBM Security, 95% of security incidents involve human error and employees may unwittingly be putting their organization at increased cyber risk.In this highly engaging and humorous presentation, Marc Goodman explains how to take your weakest link and turn it into your greatest strength. A vigilant and informed workforce can vastly improve your company’s cybersecurity and a human firewall must be a top priority. Goodman will teach your employees to protect themselves, so that they can protect you. Creating a culture of cybersecurity may be the single most important step you can take to protect yourself and your company from the drastic increase in global cyber attacks. After all, cybersecurity not a department, it’s an attitude. In this talk Marc Goodman will show you how to get there.

The Need for Cyber Executive Protection

What is your cyber risk profile? What do you look like to the outside world? As a twenty-first century security Sherpa, Marc will lead you on an eye-opening journey of the realities and risks in our cyber-connected, technologically laden world.

Technology pervades our life. Most of us would be lost without our smartphones, iPads, laptops, Tivos, digital cameras, GPS navigation devices, Facebook, Twitter, and Skype. While these tools can be of great utility, they also harbor an often ignored risk: the capability to threaten one’s business, finances, and family. All technologies can be hacked to provide a stealth window and an open door direct into an unsuspecting user’s home, office, family, or social life. As executives travel the world with their business plans, intellectual property, latest board minutes, and acquisition strategies stored on a panoply of electronic devices, sophisticated adversaries pose a persistent threat ready to steal the data of their choosing.

It is possible for an adversary to remotely turn on your laptop or smartphone’s microphone, and video camera, while simultaneously disabling the green “on” light. Your mobile phone leaks out your location 24 hours a day, and from this information a sophisticated pattern of your activities and associates can beaggregated and profiled. Your spouse or children could be readily targeted in social networking sites, and even extorted, as a means of getting to you and your business activities.

Perpetrators are no longer simply teenage hackers, but also sophisticated transnational organized crime groups, highly-effective nation states, and corporate competitors—each seeking to gather as much cyber intelligence on you as you will unwittingly allow. In this fascinating talk, Marc provides both strategy and tactics for executives to manage and mitigate risk in our interconnected world.

A Dynamic Duo: How IT and HR Can Secure a Company from Cyber Threats

In most companies, the department charged with cyber security issues is the IT department. While technical solutions, policies, and procedures play a large part in keeping a company safe, they alone will never be able to secure a company from security breaches. The key to cybersecurity is the attitude and training of employees—and it is here that HR professional have a vital role to play. In this talk, Marc Goodman will open human resource managers’ eyes to the people problem behind cyber risk and outline the key strategies that HR managers must employ to create a cyber-savvy workplace.

Topics to be covered include background check policies and procedures, the importance of social media polices for all employees, and the need to immediately secure access to company systems after an employee leaves an organization. Other topics that Goodman can address as part of this informative talk are the risks of workplace cyber-bullying and the cost it can bear for companies as well as ways to hire and train the best cybersecurity talents in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Using case studies from across various industries and relevant research findings, Goodman motivates HR and IT professionals to work together and empowers them to maintain a more secure, and ultimately more productive and enjoyable work environment.

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