Seven Ways To Future-Proof Your Corporate Culture Today


It’s all because of our culture! you’ve heard it over and over again. You’ve probably even said it. People fret about their companies’ struggle to position themselves for the future, and they lay the blame on their culture.

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Book Release: Rogue Waves

Rogue waves – radical systemic changes – are hitting business harder, faster and more often. Their violent impact has changed how companies win at strategy. Everyone gets hit by them, but some companies ‘flip their kayaks faster’ and take share while their competition simply try to tread water.


Brain-Machine Interfaces Are Rich In Potential And Hype

R&D is accelerating in the vital field of brain-machine interfaces (BMI). Elon Musk recently disclosed in a Clubhouse interview that at Neuralink, his BMI venture, a monkey is playing video games via neural implants. He also made some signature provocative projections like his ultimate goal of connecting brains with a powerful AI. “The future of the world will be controlled by the combined will of the people of the earth.” He said, “That might be the most important thing that a device like this achieves.”

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